

On Mon 06 Oct, Yen Hau wrote:
> I am a twenty-seven year old parkinson patient. I was diagnosed I have
> this disease two years ago.  I have been taken 6 Sinemet 25/100
> per day, bromocriptine 2.5mg three time per day, jumex(selegiline) 5 mg
> one in the mnorning.  However, I have this significant "on" and "off"
> effect happen that influence my daily function.  I was forced to resign.
> Somehow, the sinemt that I took after meal doesn't turn me "on". The
> side effect, excessive movement cause me a lot of trouble.
> Does anyone have similar symptons as I do?  Please share your experince
> with me!!  Thanks a bunch!
> Yen
Hello Yen, The symptoms that you describe will be familiar to a lot of PWPs
(People with Parkinson's), and it is not easy to get the right balance
of the size of tablet, and the frequency with which you take them. Let's
get meals out of the way first:  The levodopa in your Sinemet tablets can
be destroyed by the protein in your meals, and also certain foods with a
high fat content can block the way, preventing the levodopa from passing
through the walls of the lower intestine and into the blood stream. You
can avoid this by arranging your meal times so that your tablets are
taken 20 to 30 minutes BEFORE your meals. That gives the tablets the
head start that they need.

On the subject of getting your tablet dosages right, I could write pages
of advice, and some of it may be relevant, and some not. I found it
necessary to write a computer program in order to sort myself out, and I
now make that program available to people like you who are having
difficulty. I am afraid that you still have a bit of work to do, to
compile a 'diary' recording how you feel during a whole day while you
take your tablets in the normal way.

 To save myself a lot of writing, I have been allocated some pages on
Simon Coles Parkinson Web Site which you can access via the  URL given
below.  I would recommend the site to anyone interested in PD, but to
get to my bit, click on my name at the bottom of the main page, under
the 'Whats New? headline. That brings up a page with my name at the top:
Under the sub-heading 'Tablet Analysis Program',  click on 'User Guide'
and read on ...

The URL is:

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>