

To Don and Doc Charlie: I can see both sides of this situation. MANY generic
products, not just medicines, are identical to the brand name equivalents.
SOMEtimes, though, the reason the generic is cheaper, has to do with
packaging, warranties, customer service,  quality control, cheaper labor
sources, or sometimes just "a good feeling, often unjustified".  I just saw a
TV expose'  regarding an ingredient being substituted in a medication,
causing many deaths of babies and young children. the original source of the
ingredient happened to be China,  as far back as they could trace it, due to
lack of cooperation by the Chinese company. The reason for the substituition
was a "money" thing, not a human error, or innocent mistake. I am sure that
was an isolated incident, but when we are talking about human lives, we
should realize bying from a well known company USUALLY provides better
testing and quality control.  When buying non-medical products, you can buy
questionable products to save money, if you make a mistake, you just don't
buy the product next time.  You only get one life, why risk it unnecessarily
for a few dollars? Ken B