

At 05:37 PM 10/2/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Kathryn, you could settle a discussion I had with my wife, Barbara. We
>ordered some spaghetti with mushroom sauce, normally quite mild, but the chef
>had a heavy hand with the hot peppers and it was scorching our mouths. We had
>taken it home and did not want to make a trip to return it, and it did taste
>good. I had read somewhere that hot peppers like that were healthy and killed
>bacteria. She thinks I am wrong. What is your opinion? Ken B
 Ken and Kathryn,

Excuse my butting in, but I have it on very good authority that Charlie
Meyer of Wisconsin believes it to be Cheese, but, I, as a South Westerner,
know it to be Chili.

We use it on anything and everything that needs killing. Some folks spread
the powder to keep coyotes and rattlesnakes away from their property,
unless, of course, you plan on eating them.
