

I'm glad to clear that issue up for you.  As an aside I have to agree
with the second doctor however.  The latest research indicates that in
addition to osteoporosis estrogen is extremely helpful in reducing the
risk of cardiovascular disease in post-menapausal women.  Cardiovascular
disease is by far the leading killer of women in this age group far
surpassing Breast Cancer.  Breast CA incidence is somewhat increased by
estrogen but unless you have a personal history of Breast CA or in a
mother or sister  the benefits far outweigh the risks of estrogen


Delda White wrote:
> Charlie:  Thank you so much for your comments.  I did not know that the FDA
> had to approve anything crossing state lines, so semi-bought one dr.'s
> twaddle about "poor quality control" on generics. I'm glad to have your
> information -- it helps.  I did stand up to one dr. when he wanted to put me
> on estrogen and I demanded to know what "compelling" reason there was for any
> woman to take it.  He said, "osteoporosis."  I don't have it.  So I refused
> to take estrogen and am doing just fine.  This man is a good dr., but it was
> a jolt for me to see how routinely he prescribed estrogen.
> I'm old enough (55) to remember when drs. made house calls, so I'm still
> having a hard time taking charge of my own health care and my husband's.  It
> just doesn't come naturally.  This List is a terrific help, though.
> Thanks again.  Delda White ([log in to unmask]), CG Bob, 65/.75


Middleton, WI
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