

Is there anyone out there expert enough with Microsoft Office Professional
95 & 97 (not that much different)- with Word, Excel and Access, as well as
with MS Windows 95 and Internet Explorer to want to help me out from time
to time (like once a day for awhile) as a PAID consultant?  It could be on
an hourly, per question or retainer basis.  I just got some work and I am
in need of someone I can turn to for a quick answer when I get hung up -
which is frequently!!!  Examples - how to make a template in Word, how to
make changes in someone else's spreadsheet in Excel, how to put together a
basic database in Access (or how to add to or change the fields in the
Wizards), how to troubleshoot in Windows 95, and ESPECIALLY how to attach
and successfully send different kinds of files by e-mail using Internet

This is taxing my knowledge and while I have all the books I don't have the
time to try to figure out all the answers myself.  I will pay professional
fees for someone's help who knows what he or she is doing. E-mail
communication would be fine.


Bruce A (51,3)