

After reading messages about your plight, this appears to be a good response
to your problem - good luck with your demand and explanation.
As an aside, your poem was good to read - easy to understand and soul
searching.  Thru this I found the name of Glenna, the author about LIVING
WELL ... PD.  I read her book and have often wondered how she is coping with
the disease - any news?


At 01:32 AM 10/1/97 -0400, you wrote:
> October 1, 1997
>Melinda Brown
>Director of Public Relations
>National Parkinson Foundation
>Miami, Florida
>Dear Ms. Brown:
>  Because you are the Director of Public Relations at the National
>Parkinson's Foundation, I am writing to you to ask you to kindly contact
>me either by e-mail or by telephone, to resolve a painful matter that is
>upsetting the Parkinson's Community every time it is mentioned, but which
>cannot be left unresolved.
>  For two and a half years, I have  very patiently tried, to the point of
>near exhaustion, many avenues to recover the very substantial expenses  I
>incurred, when the  confirmed medical appointment made for me by your NPF
>staff, to see Dr. Sanchez-Ramos  on May 17, 1995 at 2:00 PM,  for which I
>travelled to Miami from Maine, accompanied by a  Certified Nurse's Aide
>on duty at all times, did not happen because no doctor showed up.
>  I am writing you with a copy sent to the World Parkinson's Exchange
>List, from which I have received many supportive, public e-mail letters
>about my ordeal. Most recently, three Listmembers have publicly posted
>that an apology is due me, as well as financial reimbursement  Many
>previous letters have been similar..
>  I have still not heard anything at all from the NPF. The issue created
>by the absence of a physician to see me is being heightened and
>complicated by the lack of response from the NPF.
>  Please do whatever you can to bring this still very painful experience
>to resolution.
>  I live carefully on small Social Security DIsability monthly checks,
>and am in my 10th year of struggling with Young Onset Parkinson's
>DIsease. This is not easy.  I truly cannot afford the financial loss that
>has occurred to me. I had great hopes for wonderful treatment at the NPF,
>but these hopes were shattered.
>  Rather than my going in the direction of lawyers, I would truly
>appreciate it if you would help to work this all out without them. I want
>to believe that the NPF shares with me  the view that a legal approach is
>  The Listmembers have had to share, some very gracefully but some
>extremely uncomfortably an enormous amount of pain that I have  uneasily
>had to unburden.  I do believe you can help restore a sense of balance,
>as well as the now severely questioned reputation of the NPF.
>  Pleases break the NPF's silence and help end the ordeal.
>                      Yours very truly,
>                       Ivan M. Suzman
>                       Portland, Maine
>                     Tel: (207) 797-8488; e-mail: [log in to unmask]