

Please NOTE:  The following message and/or event is not sanctioned by any
"official" PD-related group   It prolly shouldn't even be posted here on the
PD List 'cause it pertains to PWP's having FUN 'n being FRIVOLOUS. <wee smirk>

PWP's living in the Los Angeles area or any Parkies and/or their caregivers
who're just passing thru L.A. on the following day and time are invited to
join a buncha Parkies from the San Fernando Valley PD Support Group
and Santa Monica PD Support Group for FUN this Saturday!

WHAT:       "Parkies-Out-on-the-Town Dinner"
WHEN:       Saturday, October 4th
WHERE:     Chevy's Mexican Restaurant
                  16705 Ventura Blvd.
                  Encino, CA
                  (818) 385-1905
TIME:         7:00 p.m., Parkie-Standard-Time <grin>
DRESS:     Very Casual, of course!  This IS L.A, ya know!
PARKING:  Free, and next to the restaurant
NOTE:       This is a "NO HOST" event, and is "just for the heck of it!"  No

              reservations are required, nor is any pre-payment.  Wanna dine

                           with us?  Just show up at 7!
DIRECTIONS:  Take the 101 freeway to the Balboa off ramp, and exit going south

TO Ventura Blvd.  Turn left onto Ventura and stay in the left-hand lane, drive

about 100 feet and you'll see Chevy's next to the Mercedes Benz dealer.  Turn
left into the Chevy's parking lot.  Look for me holding a sign reading "PWP"
in the bar-area - I'll be there about 6:45.  IF we're already seated when you
arrive, that "PWP" sign will be prominently displayed on our dinner-table.

For those still able to scarf down any food, how's about after dinner we go to

the Coldstone Creamery and get a scoop of deeeeeelicious home-made ice cream?
<WITH chocolate sprinkles on top!> (giggle)

(Aside: I sure hope this message's format doesn't get skewed all over your
screen.  If ya have any problems reading it, please feel free to email me for
the information)


Barb Mallut
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