

Emily Rosenthal wrote:
>   And this
> sudden increase in falling, couldn't it have been a drug reaction.  She=
> started Amantadine a week ago, and increased the dosage a few days ago.=
> nursing staff at the residence said that she's been falling for a week =
> even more over the weekend and Sunday night and all day Monday she was
> nauseous.  After what she said was a great meal Sunday evening, she did=
> eat or take any medication for most of yesterday.  And then did last ni=
> and then fell again. =

Dear Lorena,
Indeed, it could be the amantadine. Here is some information from the
drug monograph on amantadine, regarding possible adverse reactions:

" Those CNS reactions occurring in > 5% of patients receiving amantadine
include dizziness, anxiety, impaired coordination, insomnia, and
nervousness. Effects can appear after a few hours or several days of
therapy, or after an increase in dosage. =

"Although effects are generally mild, they can be worse or more
disconcerting for elderly patients. Other CNS effects in 1=975% of
patients include ataxia, confusion.....

"Nausea/vomiting is observed in 5=9710% of patients receiving amantadine.=

Other GI effects (1-5% of patients) include diarrhea, constipation,
anorexia, and xerostomia. =

Your mother appears to have experienced impaired coordination, nausea,
and anorexia concurrently with the start of amantadine. But your
neurologist appears knowledgeable and willing to work closely with you,
which should be a great help.

My best regards to you and your mother,