

This one made me smile. Thanks

Debbie White
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>                                            Another Dance
> When I was young I learned a dance that helped me move around.
> A wondrous dance along the ground, it was something like ballet.
> As each day passed I learned more steps which made things easy to do.
> A small move here, a large one there,  would seem like a dance to  you.
> Then one day PD came and destroyed the beautiful flow.
> It appeared to rob me of the only way I had to come and go.
> But then  God's angel came and gave to me a gift.
> She said though one dance you've lost, of dance you're not bereft.
> I pondered this as a day began filled with jerks and halts,
> and discovered to my amazed delight that I could to the waltz!
> Marvin Giles
> [log in to unmask]
> @>--->--->---><---<<@>>---><---<---<---<@
> "Just when I think I can't take any more,
> He keeps sending me angels just like you."
> K. Mattea