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Regarding Paxil making you sleepy -

I was told to take Paxil ONLY before bedtime because it DOES cause one to

After my daughter became widdowed (son-in-law with very high pressure job
dropped dead with NO warning after a game of racketball last June 30} her
doctor put her on Paxil at bedtime and it really worked for her.

I'm a PWP on Prozac and that makes me sleepy although it does not effect most
people that way.   I'm also taking 4 X 25/100CR, which I do not rspond to
well, and I've been Mirapex for two weeks - keeping my fingers crossed in
hope I will have the results so many of you have had.

Is anyone out there having good results using effectsor (sp) with better
results than other antidepressents?