

In a pig's ear I'll "call the Bill," John!  I just heard on this evening's
news that "the Bill" just got his first property tax bill and it was $600,000!

I ain't gonna go 'n call NOBODY who just got a $600,000 property tax bill!

Lessee... (thinking)  THAT'S about 23 seconds worth of income for your friend,
Mr. Gates, isn't it??

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of John Morey
Sent:   Thursday, October 09, 1997 12:24 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Where's Da Email?

>Is this MSN acting up for a change <sigh> or the Internet reaching gridlock.
MSN acting up?? Oh NO! Call "the BILL", call "the Bill"!!
                                                                Peace, John