

Hello All,

        This is my first contact ever with a PWP. Barbara suggested that
I introduce myself. I am 60, diagnosed in the Fall of 1991, began
Sinemet in April of 92 and switched to Sinemet CR a month later. My
neuro has a few PD patients and does not specialize in this area. Since
I wanted to manage my own case, this was fine (perhaps stupid) with me.
He suggests alternative meds but he lets it be my choice without getting
upset with me. My philosophy has been from the outset to minimize
quantity and types of meds, accepting some loss of function as long as I
can get along. Presently, I take a 1/2 of 50/200 , six times a day.
Another 1/2 or two if I must go out for the evening. I did concede to go
to 10 mgs of Eldepryl due to it's advertised effect of maybe slowing the
dopamine loss. My purpose in minimizing meds was to prolong immunity and
side effects as long as possible. I am due to retire within a few months
and look forward to it as allowing me the time to follow a rigorous
exercise program although I' m not sure what that would be. I would
certainly appreciate suggestions. I currently lift weights a half hour
per day and use an exercise bike intermittently. I have frequent
prolonged thumb and toe pain (have heard and I am interested in trying
magnets). My day goes fairly smoothly but when off , I shuffle and
cannot write at all efficiently etc, etc. I finally located a support
group nearby and will join soon. I had planned to go to a neuro at a  PD
center some distance away when retired but when I inquired , the nurse
in charge asked my problems. I answered that I had trouble getting
started in the morning. She suggested a Sinemet immediately upon
awaking. I adjusted my six half pill schedule to earlier and shorter
interval for the first two and it has worked. I have been monitoring the
List conversation for the past two days and have learned a great deal.
I read newsletters and view symposium videos etc. Sorry to be so lengthy
and I promise hereafter, I will be brief. It's great to be with other

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