

Boy, am I getting my knuckles rapped. My home town is Saratoga Springs NY, a
stone's throw from New England as in Vermont and Mass. Spent  some time in
Vermont and New Hampshire.  Recently lived 2 years in Clinton, Mass, about
30 miles from good old Boston. Got a lovely warm welcome from the folks
there. Some people have said that you have to live in New England for a
generation before acceptance, we didn't find that true. And I do love that
New England accent, particularly the real down-Easters, like up in Maine. By
the way, we were disappointed by the lack of good old baked beans on the
menus. Used to be on every restaurants menu Sat  nites but now rarely found.
While in Mass, the neuro at U. of Mass. hospital in Worcester wasn't sure
that my wife Cecily really had PD but might be something else. Cecily's
symptoms were not very prominent at that time.  She ( the neuro) contacted
Boston General where they had a program on some weird neurological disease
with an experimental drug, that the neuro thought might be what Cecily had.
After a full day of testing the Neuro there said he had good news and bad
news. Good, Cecily did not have the disease under study, bad- she did have
PD and they couldn't do anything more than was being done.
By the way I heard of a fellow once that could tell where in NE you came
from by our accent.
Nough for now.
Bob Anibal
-----Original Message-----
From: John Morey <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, October 10, 1997 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: Display of poor taste

>bob Anibal wrote....
>>Or are Ivan's feelings a regional thing. For those of you unfamiliar with
>New England
>>culture they have some interesting, sometimes strange and often
>>colloquial customs.
>Ayah, and we have wicked good gramma an' pronuncation, too!  To New
>Englandas, all words ending in "r" are spoken as if they end in "a".
>"Everyone knows" that culcha in these hea United States staats on the coast
>of New England and ends when New England ends.  That's why those people
>(graduates of Haavad, of course) who ah knowledgeable consida Boston to be
>the "Hub" of the universe.  Entatainment Tues. and altanate Thurs. at 2 pm.
>But if you want the really strange, Sculley Square, midnight, Sat., if the
>Watch and Ward Society doesn't taya it down and build a govement centa.
>And bob, wheya do ya come from??
>                                                                Peace, John