

>I've already had two sets of bovine collagen injections and haven't noticed
>any mooooooooooooooo difference <dying laughing>.
>Barb Mallut
>[log in to unmask]
>From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Ivan M Suzman
>Sent:   Saturday, October 11, 1997 11:51 AM
>To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
>Subject:        Sex, Collagen and Sertoli cells
>^^^^^^GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
>Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
>Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   55  deg. F trees swaying in the
>Dear List:
>I'm boggled!!
>First, we had Collagen injections into the larynx for our non-resonating
>    But with all this talk about girls, guys, women and gals, WHAT if
>your gender does not match your collagen donor's???
>    Do we PWP's get a CHOICE between bull collagen or cow collagen???
>    Would you become a soaring soprano when you were a baritone?  Could
>your alluring alto become a husky he-man bass?  Can we mix bull and cow
>and get mezzo-mezzo results?
>    And now, we learn that Sertoli cells from the TESTICLES of a pig are
>going to be planted in our brains!!!  Is there something WEIRD going on
>in the halls of research science?
>     Will the Udall bill grant applications fund Sertoli research?
>    Will female brain tissue be more fertile ground for the Sertoli cells
>to grow?
>     Or is this going to pu a new twist to being PWP's??
>  Are Sertoli implants going to make males more masculine?  Will the
>testicular implants make males more "butch," and females kinda
>      Mercy me, howEVER will we PWP's know what to do?
>Boggledly yours,
>IVAN  47/10