

The Medical Letter, April 16, 1993, Drugs for Parkinson's Disease, page 32,
states (among other things):

Selegiline (Eldepryl) ..  has .. caused toxic interactions with fluoxetine
(Prozac) and meperidine (Demerol, and others) (O. Suchowersky and J. D.
deVries, Can. J. Psychiatry 35:571, 1990;  G. L. Zornberg, et al.. Lancet
337:246, 1991; J. L. Montastruc et al, Lancet, 341:555, Feb 27, 1993).

APDA Drugs Contra-indicated for Parkinson's Disease Patients (an orange
card I received in the mail from APDA)  states (among other things):
with Eldepryl:
     antidepressant:               Nardil (phenelzine), Parnate
     narcotic, analgesic:         Demerol (meperidine)

The APDA card does not mention Prozac (fluoxetine), but I do not think your
Mom should take Eldepryl (selegiline)  with it without both you and your
Mom's neurologist reading carefully all of the cited papers.

Baldwin, 63/4
7x25/100 carbi/levo-dopa, 3x2.5 mg Parlodel, 5 mg Eldepryl per day
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