

My husband, John, who has progressive supranuclear palsy, has been seeing a
Chinese medicine practitioner for 10 weeks now.  She has directed her
accupressure work to the extreme dystonia in his neck...very painful and
rigid.  This has now completely gone.   He had dramatic results after the
first session and has maintained that improvement between sessions and
gotten steadily better in his assessment of the pain which is now at zero.
His range of motion has greatly improved...he can actually turn his head to
look at something which he could not do before.  There is a benefit not
easily quantified of a generalized sense of peace and well-being which we
both experience just being present while she is working.  He looks forward
to his one hour session each week.  We are also learning a bit about how
the Chinese viewed the syndrome known as Parkinson's.  Hope this is useful.

Janice Clements
649 Everest Rd.
Milton, VT  05468
(802) 893-1263