

On Tue 07 Oct, Lionel R. Modra wrote:
> Hi List,
> I have a question regarding the minimum daily amount of Carbidopa
> required to gain the benefit from this drug in combination with
> Levodopa.  My wife, 67/Dx Jan 97, was started on 3 sinemet 100/25, and
> then a few months later, Selegiline 2 x 5 mg. (each per day).  She
> developed some toe cramping about two months ago, and we suspected over
> medication, so she has reduced the Sinemet to 2 per day.  The toe
> cramping has all but disappeared, so it seems that she was over
> medicated.  This means that she is now getting only 50 mg Carbidopa a
> day.  However, her PD symptoms are fairly well under contol.

> Regards,
> Win & Lionel Modra
> [log in to unmask]
Hello Win and Lionel,  It is good to hear that you are able to manage with
such a small dose of levodopa. I certainly wouldn't worry about only
getting 50 mg of Carbidopa : All that can happen is that you may lose a bit
more levodopa than normal while the drug is in the bloodstream. However,
that was the situation when you backed-off to 2 Sinemet per day and found
it OK, so you have already come to terms with your Carbidopa levels.

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>