

For any new members of the PD list who are caregivers--here's info re:
a special list for you!
----------------------------Original message----------------------------

CARE (Caregivers Are Really Essential )is a sublist of the main PD list,
which is especially for caregivers (CGs) of Parkinsonians (PWPs).  The need
for such a list was evident from feelings expressed on the PD list that there
are times when CGs need to be able to "let off steam" in a place where they
will not upset their PWPs.  Some of us have caregiver support groups, where
we can safely express feelings, get practical support, and share experiences
but some do not.  The CARE list serves this need, but DOES NOT shut off the
participation of CGs on the main list.  We operate through a listserv at
Miami University, Oxford,Ohio.  This is a closed list, meaning that CGs who
wish to join should send a request as follows:

                 [log in to unmask]

                 SUBscribe CARE  (your first and last names)

Instructions will then be sent to you as to how to proceed, when you have been
added to the list.  List "co-owners" are Jeff Jones and myself. The traffic on
CARE is a lot less than on the main list, if this is a consideration.
Welcome aboard!  Questions? email me or Jeff:

                 Camilla Flintermann  <[log in to unmask]>

                 Jeff Jones <[log in to unmask]>

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 78/7, Oxford,Ohio
[log in to unmask]
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"Ask me about the CARE list for PD caregivers!"
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