

Thanks for your encouragement.  It is scary how much difference being
aggressive makes in getting good medical treatment.

The verdict isn't in whether my mother will be able to return to her
quasi-independent living, but she's doing much better a week & a half after
the fall.  Finally getting the PT training and advice that was obviously
overdue.  Confirmed the PD diagnosis.  No more amantadine and they'll keep
her in while adjusting other meds.  They say that some of her post-fall
confusion (fall & meds contributed too) was due to bladder infection and that
this is common in elderly - can anyone confirm this?

Looking forward to her care when she gets out of the rehab, I'm not sure
whether it is appropriate to ask for referrals here.  If not, just let me
know.  If so, I'm interested in names of PD-knowledgeable,
geriatric-responsive neurologists and, if necessary, "skilled nursing
facilities."  Our location choices (& this will be difficult but partly
dependent on where best care is available) are Boston-west metro area (where
she now lives), NYC area (where I live), Seattle (my brother), or Bethesda
(my sister.).  Post or email or let me know if this is not correct forum.

Thank you.

emily CG/Mom (76,3 months)