

  guese i misted some thing as i am lost what you all tlking about. as i
told about the condum i got in the mail and don't yet know who sent. but at
72/25 they must think i still got it. i hope i did not make any one mad.  i
try and put my email address city name at end ofpost thatthey  said todo. my
space bar is bad again like my spelling. i goto  church ever sunday but am
not a prude. and hope i canbe of help. as i say pd is some what a lazy man
sickes an ladies to. as am  back to bouling (75)  going to do more work on
my patio. sit doun job. vivian girls say no do.  ok as is. backto useing
mind over matter. give rest to my cg. boy she pretty. love her dearly. 511/2
yers. said would not last.  met on 8 of april married 9 may. so their who
saidit would not last   guse i had better quit as this is jus waisting some
one time in reading  mail.

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