

On Wed, 8 Oct 1997 20:44:13 -0400 Mary Legan said:
>Can anyone recommend a book or article which gives a complete explanation of
>the various cognitive changes which can occur in even the first years after
>diagnosis of a younger person with Parkinson's, as well as those which are
>older or further along in the Parkinson's process.  Personal experiences
>would also be most welcome.  I would appreciate this so ver much!
>        Mary Legan 55/5+ and part time CG for Earl 86/1+

Dear Mary--Cognitive changes are one of the things that Peter is most
aware of/concerned about. With a long history  of memory problems,
which may have been PD oozing onto the scene over 12-15 years, he now
has bradyphrenia (slow thinking) as well as some confusion at times.
The latter is probably drug related.  It takes him much longer to come
up with the desired word, to finish a sentence, etc., although he often
recalls things that are totally lost to me!  The slowness is terribly
frustrating, and is more apparent at end of dose,when "off".  We tried
Aricept for a few weeks, but the only result was bad side effects(insomnia,
nausea, and loss of appetite,which he has never regained! He lost some
20 lbs.....)
Hope this may in some way speak to your question.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 79/8, Oxford,Ohio
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