

          For all Listmembers  (with special thanks to Mary Legan),

                                     October Dawn
           Saturday, October 10, 1997   Portland, Maine  6:30 A.M.

   Rose-colored clouds with smoky wisps at their edges float protectively
beneath a silver-blue sky.  Unknown whistles from awakening birds  hidden
high in the backwoods canopy pierce the otherwise tranquil dawn.  The
day's first rays turn already brilliant orange sugar maples even more
glowing and fiery than when seen in yesterday afternoon's  dazzling

   Indian Summer in all its glory is upon us.  Gusts of wind sprinkle
uncountable  lemon and yellow birch leaves, wine, orange, scarlet and
claret sugar maple leaves ,  and newly bronzing oak leaves to their
destiny on lawns still clinging to late summer's re-greening, and its
final paste; blooms of golden hawkweed and New England asters.

    My prayers and wishes for Better Health are sent from this serene
corner of the Globe to all of you, by the Magic of the List.

  Ivan Suzman 47/10

   P.S.  Below I have copied important Udall Bill News,  from the
Parkinson's Action Network, n case anyone missed it.

   What You Can Do

Below are listed the Members of the Labor/HHS Conference Committee who=20
are cosponsors of the Udall bill or have otherwise indicated their=20
support for its passage.  Advocates in these Conferees=92 districts
states are encouraged to contact them as soon as possible.  The message:

1. Thank these Members for their ongoing support of the Udall bill in=20
particular, and biomedical research funding in general
2.  Remind them of the facts about Parkinson=92s disease: the human
the fiscal costs, the historic shortfall in research funds, the=20
tremendous research potential and the proximity of the cure.
3.  Urge them to do all they can to ensure that the Udall bill remains=20
part of the final FY98 Labor/HHS Appropriations bill.

Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA)                       Senator Arlen Specter
Senator Ernest Hollings (D-SC)                  Senator Thad Cochran
Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI)                    Senator Slade Gorton
Senator Dale Bumper (D-AR)                      Senator Larry Craig
Senator Harry Reid (D-NV)                       Senator Kay Bailey
Hutchinson (R-TX)=09
Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI)
Senator Patty Murray (D-WA)

Representative David Obey (D-WI)
Representative Louis Stokes (D-OH)
Representative Steny Hoyer (D-MD)
Representative Naney Pelosi (D-CA)
Representative Nita Lowey (D-NY)