

Angela wrote:
> My father has hand tremors, has been severely depressed for the past year
> (has had depression for at least past 5 years) and is taking medication
> for the depression and to help him to sleep.  Also, I had used my father
> as a subject to practice doing an oral motor exam, (tests strength, etc.
> of the oral musculature) and he has weakness in his tongue and can't keep
> intraoral pressure in.  I might be totally wrong but was wondering what
> are the symptoms everyone had that made you realize that you needed to
> see a neurologist.  I have mentioned my feelings to my father but he
> states it's nervousness.  Can anyone help?

Some psychotropic drugs cause Parkinson's like symptoms.  Your father needs
neurological exam to determine whether he has PD.  It would be interesting
to see what would happen to his symptoms if he discontinued the
Mary Ann
"May I ever serve thee, Ne'er grieve Thy loving heart."  (A Swedish