

^^^^^^GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses 58 deg. Fwindy and bright
Dear Barb,

    GOLLY, Barb!!  You sure put a smile on my face with your message!!
Thank you!

    I'm just about to head out into the October wind, to go to the local
store to get creamed corn,  to make special, a PWP-style  Shepherd's Pie
(low-meat, high-carbohydrates).

     Then across the road to the firehouse, to request a WOODSTOVE
INSPECTION!  Yes, you guessed, the old Scandia is ready, finally, to make
evenings in the Northeast TOASTY. I can just about TASTE it.....

      Oh, almost forgot, thanks, Tom Riess, and don't worry, my rebuilt
house is a multi-level, open plan--no danger of carbon monoxide poisoning
at all...

    My live-in caregiver, Rose, comes out of some kind of PWP's special
dream -- and does the cooking more often than not.  This way, I even get
to invite houseguests for supper, despite Parkinson's having taken away
many of my right hand's subtle finger  movements.

    And, Rose makes me appreciate all the CareGivers out there so much
more, in addition to my fellow PWP's.

IVAN 47/10

<On Sat, 11 Oct 1997 13:53:04 -0400 Barbara Mallut
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Ivan, m'friend....