

On Sat, 11 Oct 1997 07:08:37 -0400 Bent Willow <[log in to unmask]>
>Angela wrote:
>> My father has hand tremors, has been severely depressed for the past
>year (has had depression for at least past 5 years) and is taking
>medication for the depression and to help him to sleep.  Also, I had
used my
>father as a subject to practice doing an oral motor exam, (tests
>etc. of the oral musculature) and he has weakness in his tongue and
>keep intraoral pressure in.  I might be totally wrong but was wondering
>what are the symptoms everyone had that made you realize that you needed

>to see a neurologist.  I have mentioned my feelings to my father but he
>> states it's nervousness.  Can anyone help?
>Some psychotropic drugs cause Parkinson's like symptoms.  Your father
>needs a neurological exam to determine whether he has PD.  It would be
>interesting to see what would happen to his symptoms if he discontinued
>Mary Ann
>"May I ever serve thee, Ne'er grieve Thy loving heart."  (A Swedish
Mary Ann:

My dad has had this tremor, decreased oral motor strength and depression
before he was put on this medication.  Has been on medicationf or past 3
months.  Does this make a difference?
