

Barb M, ACTUALLY I forgot to mention that the rubber "Email Bag" is kept
lubricated with turnipseed oil, to allow the data packets to travel through
the wires,  the odd numbered packets are combined with JURPWEG bleets and
rerouted over the fester pods to facilitate the movement during times of
packet flashing. A ceramic purdle holder is often interconnected
concentrically to avoid side ducting and excessive spraddle and shallow data
fills.  Local oscillators are supplied whenever the status of the fixed
purdles lack sufficient integrity to straddle the data stream.  If the humpit
valve is closed and data overflows the pidle gate area, the packets over
stream onto stagnant code stations. This is the most efficient use of the
system and prevents common stacking and swaning  errors.  If you are
interested in increasing your knowledge in this area, I recommend the third
edition of  " Humpit Valve Purdle Duct JURPWEG Bleets MADE SIMPLE for
DUMMIES" By the late Edgar Bergen"
it is not only a quick read, but it makes what could be a complex problem,
Ken B