

Dear listmembers,

I have recently upgraded to W95 and am consequently now using
the appropriate versions of netscape and IE. Imagine my surprise
when my 1st visit to my website using my new capabilities revealed
that instead of the carefully chosen shade of "off white" that older
browsers showed, anyone using a newer browser was seeing a colour
somewhere between light blue and lilac.

Whilst quite a pretty colour in its own right it would not be anyones
1st choice for a background to text.  So if any of you who have visited
the site are wondering if I am colourblind the answer is no - just

I am in the process of rectifying the matter and if any of you care to drop
in in the future you will hopefully find me in my true colours.

At least I now understand a rather cryptic conversation with a friend who
when asked what he thought of my website replied "colourful" and
changed the subject.


Dennis Greene 47/10
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