

^^^^^^GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses     deg. F

On Sun, 12 Oct 1997 18:57:50 -0400 "(Martha Rohrer)"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Mary Legan asked:
>to consider their special needs when buying transportation. When we
>bought a
>new car a couple of years ago, we thought about Neal's future needs
>selected a minivan that was high enough off the ground to get in and
>out of
>easily, that had sliding doors at the back seat for unimpeded access,
>plenty of room for a wheelchair in back.

Hi Martha and Neal, and List,

A Chevy Blazer is just the right height for me. The seat height and grip
handles help me maneuver and plant my feet.   Standard carseats are too
low, and I get trapped. Fortunately I don't need a wheelchair.

Best wishes,