

That is excellent news!!!! Way to go Dad!!!! I sure hope that you and your
Parents have many days like this <G> Elf in TN... Romona
Elf wife to Tony (my hero), and mom to Tori (age 9, nda), Zach (age 7,
multichallenged), Cory (age5, multichallenged). The boys have no definative
Dx but several labels... nystagmus, strubismus, Dystonia, Parkinsonism,
Asthma, Execma, Hypotonia, Spasticity....ect  Collectively the
Dystonia/Parkinsonism effects the boys from eyes to toes. Currently Zach's
taking Sinemet, Lodosyn and Cory is taking Amantadine and Gabapectin. He's
also had 3 rounds of Botox, uses a walker or WC for mobility
Moderator for the Dystkids List(ette) for kids who have Dystonia or
familymembers with Movement disorders.
In a message dated 97-10-15 02:31:20 EDT, you write:

<< Well my dad just finished week 2 on the Mirapex - if you ask HIM
 how he feels he'll say "well maybe a little better" - if you ask me
 or my mom we'll say a  ZIILLION times better !

 he may not be walking as good as he should but mentally he is doing much
 better. Talking eating etc.

 Well yesterdya we were out doing some yard work and my dad was sitting on
 porch. All of a sudden he got up and went in - then came out with the
 weedwaker and walked to the mail box and weekwacked aroung it !

 Now this doesn't sound like much - but two weeks ago he couldn't have
 made the walk to the mailbox (150 feet) let alone drag the weed wacker there
 and then wack too !

 So we are very excited !

 best of luck to all of you too !

 Donna >>