

At 02:24 AM 10/17/97 -0400, Stacey wrote:
>Kathrynne - I saw your suggestion about using soy milk in a fruit smoothie.
>Do have a recipe on how to make it? My father is very sensitive to protein
>and I would like to know how to make the drink. Any good tofu recipes?

Stacey, I have been taking vegetable protein in a smoothy as follows:
1. Purchase a canister of vegetable protein at health food store
2. Put 2 scoops into blender with 2 cups OJ
3. Add half banana
4. Add 2 table spoons of flax seed (avail. at health food store)
6. Blend at top speed for 2 min.
7. Drink

This will supply all protein needed for balanced diet, even for vegetarian.
 It is easily digested. And tastes really good!  You can add fruit for
taste preference.   Add an ice cube or two if you like it the smoothie
cold.  I haven't tried it with soy milk, as this drink gives you everything
you need for your body in vitamins, minerals, protein, etc.

For tofu, I like "5 spice" tofu, available in large grocery store (or ask
store to order). Or make your own by marinading the tofu in barbecue sauce.
 Sliced thin, fry in peanut oil, with any number of stir fry or barbecue
sauces. Tastes great alone, or mix with vegs. and rice noodles for great
stir fry!

I've been a vegetarian for 2 years; never cooked anything before except
water, and I'd burn that!!  The above stir fry is better than anything you
can get in a restaurant!!  Any questions, contact me at [log in to unmask]
                                                                Peace, John