

BArb M, you are so RIGHT!  (No surprise!)  I am ready to send AOL a nasty
letter about the difficulty of getting on, and in addition, the slowness of
the system when I finally do get on. I wonder if I sent it by snail mail,
they would get the hint! ALSO, if I turn my back for a minute, or sometimes
when I am still trying to type, I lose the carrier and have to start over!
 What a revoltin'  development THAT is!   Am I the only one that remembers
William Bendix?  THE LIFE OF RILEY! Times were simpler then, and I never
heard ANYONE complain about AOL, crashed harddrives,  too much Email, and
TELEPHONES, YES! You called one number, spoke to a HUMAN BEING EVERY TIME.
and ordered a phone by saying, "I want a telephone" NOT a little colored
piece of plastic with 78 buttons that 72 of stick, and the other six are
unreadable, and if you drop it on a desk, the phone breaks in half, and if
you pull the wire once it crackles and cuts you off when you use it!  A
TELEPHONE was heavy, black, could break your foot if you dropped it, maybe
even break the FLOOR, and of course, being an electrical device, after about
30 years, the dial would get a little loose, and a MAN WOULD COME TO THE
phone company to hate, with PEOPLE to complain to,  and use terrible words to
complain like  "Excuse me, I am displeased, I got cut off, can I have a
nickle credit for my call?"   You know what? I think that stress caused by
frustration with modern technology, when it does not deliver what is
promised, PLUS the lack of good tv shows like LIFE of RILEY, is PART OF the
CAUSE of diseases like Parkinsons!  At least it makes it worse!  Anyone
I am beginning to think that Ralph Waldo Emerson was right when he said
"Simplify Simplify"  Which was great advice, about the only thing I remember
from grade school! Poor guy, gave great advice, wrote books, and they name a
lousy line of cheap TV's and VCR's after him. If he knew, he'd SUE! Well
that's all I have to say tonight! Ken B