

^^^^^^GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses     deg. F
Dear Listmembers,

Despite many of you posting that I deserve a financial payment to cover
my losses in Miami at the NPF when no doctor showed, they are ignoring

I am SO &***^&%%$^@$#&*@()_ angry!  The NPF has treated me like a

I wish more Listmembers would put pressure on them I don't have the
strength too busy dealing with City Welfare and life in general and
trying to salvage burned things from last year's fire, and moving so
slowly and always feeling tested and today feeling trapped and trying to
get ready for  a long cold winter!!!

Sorry about the crummy attitude but the NPF has ignored me too long and
it still hurts badly I need the money it cost for that trip to Miami they
have the money and they are pretending to ignore me.