

Dear List Members,

You've been so helpful to me already; I have another question.

I'm at the point in PD where, to go out & about for any length of time, or to
get around at any speed or distance, I must consider using a wheelchair.
 Facing this has been a long time coming.  Would you believe I traveled
around Europe pushing my packages, or suitcase, in the rented chair, rather
than let my friend push me in it?  I wore out quickly, & I'm sure missed out
on experiences because of it..

Recently I'm begun to overcome the embarrassment of using the power skooters
which some large stores make available to their customers, & was thrilled at
the distance I could cover without tiring.  (But, honestly, I'm 55 & don't
look disabled, so did get some stares from 70 yr. olds who were creaking
along with some difficulty on their legs.)  The relative (86/1+) who stays
with me part time now, maybe full time in a few months, could also benefit
from the use of this.

Now for the questions.  Is there a difference between a motorized wheelchair,
& a "power chair"?  I have a brochure from a company that's selling the
"Jazzy Power Chair".  They claim this is the #1 selling power chair in the
nation.  It looks classy & comfortable, & seems to be usable on almost any
terrain.  The intriguing difference is the it's turn radius------only l9.5.
 These cost about $5000, & I understand that insurance sometimes pays part.

Is anyone out there familiar with these, or with other brands of these?
   Are you aware of any disadvantages of a chair like this?  I understand
that they can be transported by attaching a lift to the back of one's car, &
it then sits on this lift behind the car as you drive.

Thank you in advance for any guidance you can give.      Mary Legan 55/5 & CG
for Earl 86/1