

Just some random thoughts:

 * I didn't go read it, but I presume the Dept. of Justice sued Marriott on
 an individual's behalf and he got the money  ??  I wonder how long it
 take and if you could get them to do so for you.  The last I heard (2+
years ago) EEOC complaints took at least 2 years to get acted on.  Some of
the thoughts below might not be appropriate in light of
Marriott/Dept. of Justices settlement.

 *  I kind of doubt the Hyatt's lawyers involved here would go for the
 donation idea.  They don't have cookie cutter documents or negotiation
 policies or whatever set up to do it.  But it is worth a try.

 *  If that fails I think you should do SOMETHING to have the matter
 "registered," as somebody said  Everyone should when this happens so that
 if patterns became evident someday the Justice Dept could show an
 as they did with Marriott.

 *  I think most attorneys would tell you not to say anything more to
 until you're selected someone and talked to her if there is a possibility
 might sue, privately. { < any brownie points available, folks?}  The other
 guy's attorney would want copies of all these e-mails, which you would
 to give her - unless you deleted everything - hint, hint.  They would
 be somewhere, I would think, but it wouldn't be your responsibility to
 produce them. The best thing would be to lay off until you spoke with one.

 * You might consider that a lawsuit might not be stressful, but rather
 satisfying. It's great fun to give a deposition when you've been properly
 coached.  I would think you could always settle to avoid a trial.
 Also, ask a Wisconsin lawyer if there is any way you could file the suit
in WS;
 there may be and that would probably be in your favor, from a stress AND a
 tactical standpoint!!  Would  this be a Federal case?  I don't' know.
 problem, though.  If the Marriott case was truly similar, you might have a
 hard time finding a lawyer to rep. you if her potential payoff is only
 $3,333,33 - or whatever they get in the Mid West, }

 * I read somewhere that all the predictions of thousands of frivolous
 lawsuits resulting from the ADA Act have NOT come true. If so, you would
 not be adding to the court system's overload problem.

 * You could make donations yourself with the award or settlement, rather
than have the hotel ownership.  It  could be quite satisfying to provide
help to needy PWP you know or know about (worthy causes aren't   always tax
deductible), as well as to an organization.  You might consider keeping
some for yourself.
You're the one who ended up ignoramously (that's not the word I'm trying to
 think of - anyone ? - means unglamorously ) rolling around on his ass.

 Bruce A.