

Describe the pain?

The wafting song of the lone flute,
The melody that once flowed when I touched the ivory keys,
the power of the crescendo,
all of these are silent now.
Today, a stacatto high C announces each step
from the ankle junction of my brace
Does it hurt?  Describe the pain.
Would you ask again, if I did complain?

Stitches march in even rows across the threads of time.
Painted petals, twisted tendrils, shadow and sunlight
delicate shading  from paynes grey to titanium white
as the brush kissed the surface
and skipped on to the next flower
But today, twist ties and cellophane present a challenge
Does it hurt?  Describe the pain.
Would you ask again if I did complain?

The autumn leaves float gently in the breeze.
Bonfires, brisk walks and warm cider
marching bands, football games,
A wave of people in red approach the arena
Vendors, scalpers, flags and laughter surround me.
Thousands of fans crowd the stairs and ramps
while I shuffle or step aside to let them pass
and I wonder if I will fall gracefully or in a heap?
Does it hurt?  Describe the pain.
Would you ask again, if I did complain?

Window shopping is all your doing?
How about lunch at the new cafe?
So, I park the car and shuffle over
Will I walk a block or two?
Who will stare and who will ponder
what is this strange dance I do?
Will I dribble, choke or stutter?
Will I freeze or shake today?
Will you listen while I wonder
just how to cope from day to day?
Does it hurt? Describe the pain.
Would you ask again, if I did complain?

You have no tremor, aren't you lucky
Someday soon they'll find a cure.
The news is full of wonderful stories
I saw a man dance down the hall,
St. John's Wort and Blue green algae
will help you if you start to fall.
At the health store, hear their story
Don't trust your doctor for goodness sake.
You have no tremor. You are not twisting,
But you do look tired, do you lay  awake?
Does it hurt? Describe the pain.
Would you ask again, if I did complain?

Did you know I was in love with another person too?
Did you know that I loved Superwoman?
I chased after her for years.
She was there so he could be in the lab and still be Dad.
She was there for the Brownies, Cub Scouts and just kids.
She could rustle up dinner for 12 or dessert for 2.
Her windows and floors sparkled.
She had time to listen.
She wore high heels and Pendleton plaids and chased a title.
She was one of our best workers, always an extra mile (or smile).
She disappeared without a note, no wave good-bye, no fond farewell.
She left both of us searching for the one we loved.
Does it hurt?  Describe the pain.
Would you ask again, if I did complain?

Rita Weeks
October 9, 1997