

The following works for me.  Whenever I want to keep a post, I save it into a
sub-directory in WordPerfect 5.1 in this case, then go to the next posts.
After viewing a bunch of them, I can delete the group with a flick of the "D"
button. If I am in a hurry, that is for immediate printing, I highlight the
text I want to print, click on reply and voila, I print then and there.
Whereas those I wish to keep for future printing (e.g., at my son's house
with a faster printer), I go to WP or any such editor like MS-WORD and
quickly edit out the tailer and part of the header because I wish to keep the
source of the post, and for the humorous material, I like to give credit when
possible.   I keep the print outs in different folders according to subjects
and language (English, French, and Spanish) so that Barbara can also read
them.I volunteer my humorous services to our local APDA bulletin in Northern
Virginia, and then my plagiarism days are gone, it ain't profitable.
I even keep some posts from my past and accumulate them into one document by
attaching them at the end.  It works fairly well because I tend to be a
nocturnal worker (beautiful chamber music in the background) and get fewer
interruptions from the PWP.
This reminds me that I am tired and Barb just announced that it is 2 o'clock
and All's well

Good night
and Carpe Diem
Michel Margosis