

Bruce... and All interested in voice-to-text programs..

Today I received a letter from the company which I bought my DragonDictate
program from, Chien & Associates.  The purpose of the letter was to let me
know about the latest Naturally Speaking, Deluxe, and the newest version of
DragonDictate (they are 2 different programs by the same company).

The Deluxe Naturally Speaking 2.0 costs $699, tho Chien is selling it for
$599.  If you're upgrading from N.S. 1.0 to the Deluxe version it's $399.

The Deluxe (quoting the letter) N.S. Edition is bundled with DragonDictate
Classic Edition 3.0 (the very newest version) in a single package.  The latter
now has a built-in command allowing you to switch over to Naturally Speaking
and back.  As a result, you now have full command and control, and dictate in
continuous speech.  There is ALSO TEXT-TO-SPEECH built-in, allowing you to
read back the document in sound and lets you compare the interpreted words
against your own voice.  The result is you no longer need to remember what you

There's lots more features listed, and if you're interested, I suggest you
drop by the Chien Web site (see below for URL) or call or write 'em for all
the stats on this interesting and useful program.

To contact Chien & Associates, call,  write, or email:

888 S. Figueroa St., Ste. 1980
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Voice #: (800) DO-CHIEN (you gotta figure out the actual numbers yourself)
Email:  [log in to unmask]

Finally, please don't email ME with any questions about Naturally Speaking,
folks, 'cause I don't know nuttin' about it at all.  I just copied what was in
Chien's letter and posted it here - merely as a conduit, not an expert!

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Bruce  G. Warr
Sent:   Saturday, October 18, 1997 6:12 PM
To:     Parkinson's Information Exchange
Cc:     Barbara Mallut
Subject:        Re: Naturally Speaking

$149 for Naturally Speaking Personal Edition is a fantastic bargain.
Buy it even if you do not yet have typing problems. I much prefer it
to typing in any condition. (The only consideration is from the
noise of my speaking late at night.)

Now if they could develop a naturally speaking text to speech
program. That would save a lot of band width on the Internet! You
speak what you want to say, it is converted into text and sent to
the other person where the text is convertedc back to speech. That
way we could all be in contact by voice in the CHATroom.

Virtually speaking,

Sinemet CR & Miarpex