

Dear list friends,
I will have to sign off from the list in the next day for some three to
four months because we are leaving Indonesia and will eventually end up
back in Norway. As far as the list goes this takes the numbers of
members in Indonesia to zero while raising those in Norway to one.

I have been out of late mainly because of preoccupation with leaving
Indonesia. We have been here for three years on this our second
occasion. We leave behind many friends and memories.

Just one or two comments on some of the recent postings.

Magnets and coloured light:
Before being totally sceptical about some of these remedies, I
understand that in Scandinavia high intensity light, including light of
different colour, is sometimes used as a treatment for depression in the
dark cold months of winter! (when are we going? In the middle of

Voice dictation:
This note is written with IBM voice type. It is a bit of a pain and I
will be trying out Dragon dictate when we have returned to Norway. I
would try it now but it requires too much memory and my note book
computer does not have sufficient. I would say, however, that the IBM
system is getting better and I found that tweaking the sound card
settings and windows 95 can make a huge difference to the way the
programme runs.

I have given up the fight with Pergolide. I have never been comfortable
with it throughout the year since starting it in January as a sole
medication in my early Parkinson's. The PD has become slightly worse
through the year, mainly in restricted use of my right-hand for typing,
but also I am noticing more trembling particularly in the last month or
so. I tried to increase my dosage to 750 micrograms three times a day.
What I found was that every time I forgot to take one of the doses I
suddenly felt a lot better in myself. So I have decided to cut right
back and at the moment I am using 250 micrograms three times a day. My
hand seems worse but I feel a lot better. Yugoslavv

Here I sit surrounded by furniture and things ready to be packed, and
look back over the last six months that I have been a member of this
list. Not very active apart from one duel with Charlie Meyer et. al. The
list is at the same time both frightening and comforting. Frightening in
what it shows for the future but comforting in seeing all of you
fighting and succeeding in still living a life. Particularly Don
McKinley-an example to us all. I gained strength from people like
Barbara Mallut who is still writing cogent letters allbeit with giggles
after so many years of this disease.

I will be back and suspect that as time goes on I will become more
active in supporting this group. All the best for the coming months.

