

During my last consultation with my neurologist he was checking on
my drugs.  Having been asked what my intake was of sinemet and
sinemet CR I anticipated that the next question would relate to Permax.

Instead the Doctor asked about selegaline (depranol). Not listening
on my part I trotted out my Permax figures of 1/2 a tablet three hourly.

With a visible excercise of willpower the Doctor began explaining to me
very carefully and calmly, that this was a most unusual and unnecessary
way to take selegeline. He went on to express surprize that I wasn't
reporting insomnia.  By this time my own confusion was adding to the
mix because although the doc was quite clearly saying selegaline I was
still "hearing" Permax and was trying to reconcile this flow of advice with
my own 5 years experience of permax.  Add in my growing indignation at,
as a veteran of 10 years, being spoken to as a tyro, and the whole scene
had a destinctly surreal feel to it.  The doctors face was a picture - I
I could have seen mine.

Suddenly the light dawned on me "Oh", I said " you mean SELEGALINE, I
thought you meant ......"

"Permax" said the doc, and both of us burst out laughing.

All of which goes to prove that its not only the doctors who need to work
their listening skills.


Dennis Greene 47/10
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