

Hi! Janet, Yes, Forrest's mom, a title I use on another list, as not
to be confused with so many other Linda's.

janet paterson wrote:
> hi ... um ... Linda Carlton ? Linda Forest's mom ?
> um ...
> howzabout
> hi cyber-sis
> you wrote:
> >...It may not be just the Phosphatidylserine,
> >but the combination of other nutrients ...
> i'm curious as to how you could conclude that phos... is beneficial to you
> when it's one of thirteen listed ingredients

  Not to conclude, Janet, but to question. Tis why I listed them.
> when i say 'hah!' i don't mean to imply that i think
> phos... has no inherent value; i am unable to judge that
   A clip on the nightly news, was my first attraction to this product,
from there, a possible thousands of articles written on the effects PS
has on memory and plasticity of cell life.  Several of which aroused my
curiosity enough to venture it a try.

> the cycnicism implied in my 'hah!' is re
> the apparent dearth of unbiased scientific studies
> which could 'prove' or 'disprove' the claims made by its vendors

  Yes, advertisers use such tactics in which to promote their products,
however there have been studies done on phosphatidylserine by research
teams that have indicated that PS could be a possible treatment in
Alzheimer's, I have posted one of such below.

> when terms like 'miracle' and 'magic' are used
> in lieu of such basic investigative research
> my cynicism radar goes on red alert

 As mine also, and yes the statement miracle and magic goes a bit too
far, lets try surprising improvements found in memory and concentration.

> my background as an interior design consultant
> [no financial interest in promoting any specific products,
> or for that matter, any products at all]
> maybe makes me hyper alert to such potential conflicts of interest
> and if such a conflict of interest has any potential bearing
> on my health and my brain chemistry

 Neither I, (no financial interest in promoting any specific products)
 however, one product seemed to be superior to the others mentioned,
 just a individual finding, nothing more. As far as effecting brain
 chemistry, PS does just that, it has been noted to affect several
 regions i.e. the hyppocampal region, as with effecting the PKC-mediated
 phosphorylation of protein F1, already linked to memory, that may
 deficient in the aging.

> i want to know ALL the facts

  If you would like to review some of the articles, you can go to,
from there register, it is free, and enter medline. The only draw back
is that you
will get a message every week or so letting you know what new articles
have been
                                 Best Wishes, Linda Forrest's Mom

PS Janet, you can get to this address below, but you will have to
register, first for
entry into medline.

                          Search for "(Phosphatidylserine and memory)"
                    Medscape's free Full-Text Articles or the Medscape

     Effects of phosphatidylserine in Alzheimer's disease.
     Crook T; Petrie W; Wells C; Massari DC
     Memory Assessment Clinics, Inc., Bethesda, MD 20814.
     Psychopharmacol Bull, 28(1):61-6 1992
     We studied 51 patients meeting clinical criteria for probable
Alzheimer's disease (AD). Patients were treated for 12 weeks with a
formulation of bovine cortex phosphatidylserine (BC-PS; 100 mg t.i.d.)
or placebo, and those treated with the drug improved on several
cognitive measures relative to those administered placebo. Differences
between treatment groups were most apparent among patients with less
severe cognitive  impairment. Results suggest that phosphatidylserine
may be a promising candidate for study in the early stages of AD.

Unique Identifier

MESH Headings
     Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Alzheimer's Disease (*DT); Double-Blind
Method; Female; Human; Male;
     Middle Age; Phosphatidylserines (*TU); Treatment Outcome

Publication Type
Country of Publication