

At 02:56 PM 10/24/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Emily wrote:
>The higher dose of Mirapex made him feel so "sick" (I think he means
>"overmedicated") he dropped back to .75 daily after only a week at the
>"theraupeutic" dosage. He can handle that OK. Listmembers responded to my
>concerns and said, essentially, 'why mess with a good thing if it works?'.
>Now he is right on the edge of needing something more--we don't know what it
>would be, tho: try upping the Mirapex again?
This is just my experience with Mirapex.  I started like everybody elas at
1 .125 three times per day. It was not too many days that I was up to 1.5
mg per day. I take 1/2 of a 1.5mg pill at 6:00 am  and 1/2 at 2:00pm. At
that dosage with a 25/100 Carbidopa/Levodopa every 2-1/2 hours. I don't
have any "OFFs" during the day. prior to the Mirapex I was taking 25/100s
at 2 hours and I would have one or two significant "OFFs" per day. So the
Mirapex seems to be just what I needed. Dr. Gancher said to stay at that
dosage if its working for me. And it sems to be working for me
Yours and His

David L. Moreland
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