

hi kathie

you wrote:
>I found the following in the Thorne Abstracts...
>I don't think they sell anything, but I could be wrong

according to their website
which i will not point anyone to
since i don't advocate free advertising for for-profit ventures
thorne research inc are quite proud of the fact that they have
been a 'leader' in the nutritional supplement business since 1984

so their 'abstracts' are a quite cleverly disguised means of
promoting their or their suppliers' products

medline/pubmed have no references to phos... for the past 3 years

the british medical journal
and webmedlit which tracks 22 medical journals
have nothing to say re phos...

there are several medline abstracts from 1989 to 1993
published by european sources which i'm not familiar with
re memory and cognitive improvement in the elderly and with alzheimers
in conjunction with phosphatidylserine
but nothing since
i wonder why?

there is mention of bovine cortex phosphatidylserine
does this mean an extract from cow's brain?

is this a mystery?

yours in cybeeria


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