

Hi, Marcia,
Jim 63/14 has been on Mirapex for 8 weeks now.  Due to some hallucination
problems I started his therapy MUCH slower than the norm.  I increased the
dosage MUCH slower than suggested  i. e. 0.125mg every 3 days.  I flet that
any adverse reaction wuld not be so severe and I could back away much
quicker.  I work all day, so I could not have Jim having a bad day and my not
be here.  Jim is up to 3.0 mg per day.  His drooling is verturlly gone, his
off times are very much fewer, his cognitive skills  not much better, and
speech is no better.  But his overall abilities are better including his
sleep.  God willing we will continue.  Hope this helps.
Arlene CG