

I vote to continue the seligiline debate--we personally are at a critical
juncture re choices for treatment, and appreciate the input.

Brian: what about taking seligiline at relatively low doses vs. high doses
vs. not at all?  Jim has upped his seligiline from one to two 5mg tabs
daily, says he thinks it is helping him symptomatically (tremors and
fatigue).  No problems with dreams or insomnia.  I have seen and heard so
much about the limited-term(5-year) efficacy of sinemet that I tend to
agree with our neuro about waiting to start it, especially as he has a lot
of trouble adjusting to new meds.  Jim really isn't too badly off, this
early in the disease.  So naturally the purported neuroprotective aspects
of seligiline are VERY interesting to us.  The info in your most recent
post surely has made the decision difficult, though:

>a neurologist who is close to, but not a member of the people who reported
>the story, recently told me that in his view, the various critcisms made
>about the methods used etc, were valid, but if the data are corrected for
>these errors,  they affect but do not eliminate the basic scary story....
>I have also heard from two people who tried to give up Selegiline, and
>found that they couldn't.- Whether psychological or physical dependency
>was to blame I could not say, but there must be a risk of some people
>becoming hooked on it.
>   New data which I first heard about while reading the transcript of an
>interview with Professor Olanow makes it clear that the long-term condition
>of people taking Selegiline, compared with a control group showed that the
>early advantage (which was clearly present in the early years) apparently
>evaporates over a 5 to 10 year period.

So let's keep talking about seligiline.  Our original neuro has just moved;
I am saving this discussion to present to his replacement when we see her
next month.   Her reactions should give us a pretty good indication of
whether we will be able to work with her (and she with us?).

Emily Jackson, CG Jim, 69/1+
Emily Jackson
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