

> My father was diagnosed with PD about five years ago (when he was 45).
> The main
> thing I am concerned with is his weight loss.  Over the last several
> years, he has gone from 200 to about 160.  He has tried several of the
> high calorie drinks, but nothing seems to work.  (He often forgets to
> drink the drinks, or he'll drink the drink but then won't be hungry for
> the next meal.)  And, his weight has not stabilized; he continues to
> lose weight.  Do you have any suggestions?

Dear Leslie,
You're right, your father would feel better and probably have more
energy, if he ate better. If he's using Sinemet, ask him to try just 1/2
can of Hearty Balance drink between meals. That shouldn't ruin his
appetite, and also shouldn't interfere with the Sinemet. Also, a dish of
ice cream before bed may help.  Eating small, frequent meals will
provide a steady supply of blood glucose for energy, and may help with
weight regain.

With a 40-lb weight loss, there is a strong possibility he may be
depleted of vitamins and minerals, especially the water-soluble
vitamins. If he's not taking a multivitamin/mineral supplement, I would
definitely check with his doctor to see if this would be advisable for
him. A B complex may be indicated also. And I'd suggest
calcium-fortified orange juice, to help maintain bone strength.

My very best regards to you and your father,

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Spotlight on Food--nutrition news for people 60-plus"
and NUTRITION TOPICS copy-ready handouts
Tel: 970-493-6532   Fax: 970-493-6538