

I "like" the idea ...but I've a niggling concern that it "won't" work... or
rather that it would work but downloading the individual pictures each time
is going to eat up alot of "byte" on my aging but "still lovable" computer.
Someone mentioned there was a webpage that already had some pictures on
there....  how about having a central "page"... sort of like a photo gallery
?? I've been meaning to ask if there was an ""
newsgroup or "main" homepage for the chatters here ?  If there is I'd love
instructions (webaddresses) leading to them ... if not and you'd like to
"see" what I'm talking about the Dystonia "gang" has a very good example of
these things. If you've the time or inclination <sp?> the webaddress to the
"Dystonia Chat Group Homepage" is :
once that loads to veiw the Pictures just click on the "Photo gallery" (btw
the "elves" are on page 3 :)
For the can pretty much go to any newsgroup reader
and access the a.s.d from there.

Since the boys have Dystonia +  (or Parkinson's + depending on which doctor
your talking to at the time) I'm learning alot from both groups... there are
times when it all "blends" together and I can't honestly say where one ends
and the other begins ..... it's a bit confusing since the majority of the
symptoms are identical but then again they "split" in other ways.... Whew I
just want to thank you all for allowing me to absorb your hard won wisdom
...and also for the loan of the shoulder when things get a bit 'rough' here
at home. I just can't tell you in words what the past couple of weeks have
meant to me personally, all the caring and sharing here is truely spectacular
...even in the "opposing veiws" there is respect for the other person...
Thanks again for letting a "mom' learn from you all on how to help her boys
cope and grow with such a "tricky" disorder in the mist of it all. Big hugs
from an Elf in Tn...Romona
Elf wife to Tony (my hero), and mom to Tori (age 9, nda), Zach (age 7,
multichallenged), Cory (age5, multichallenged). The boys have no definative
Dx but several labels... nystagmus, strubismus, Dystonia, Parkinsonism,
Asthma, Execma, Hypotonia, Spasticity....ect  Collectively the
Dystonia/Parkinsonism effects the boys from eyes to toes and progressing
steadily. Currently Zach's taking Sinemet, Lodosyn and Cory is taking
Gabapectin and just started on a trial period of Lecithin. He's also had 3
rounds of Botox, uses a walker or WC for mobility
Moderator for the Dystkids List(ette) for kids who have Dystonia or
familymembers with Movement disorders.