

Donna: My husband Jim, still early in disease progression, tried to titrate
up to 1.5mg mirapex (after eliminating sinemet completely--he had only
taken it a couple of months, and our neuro is of the
'better-save-it-for-later school-- and reducing Eldepryl). The higher dose
of Mirapex made him feel so "sick"  (I think he means "overmedicated") he
dropped back to .75  daily after only a week at the "theraupeutic" dosage.
He can handle that OK.  Listmembers responded to my concerns and said,
essentially, 'why mess with a good thing if it works?'.  Now he is right on
the edge of needing something more--we don't know what it would be, tho:
try upping the Mirapex again?  Add a little Sinemet?  Increase Eldepryl
from the one tab/day he now takes back to two?  His tremors aren't too bad
most of the time, so we're holding at this point as long as possible.
Good luck,
Emily Jackson, CG  Jim 69/1+
Emily Jackson
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