


The battle lines are drawn, the opposing sides are in their places and the
preliminary skirmishes are over.  For those of you new to this happy little
civil war, here is a brief introduction.

 It is easy to tell the sides apart. They are:

1.The anti-selegilinists: The anti-seleginists are distinguished by the
passionate zeal with which they argue their case. The single unifying
factor common to all of the "anties" is that they all seemed to have
had a bad experience with the drug. It would be petty of me to suggest
that this had any bearing on their viewpoint.

A typical anti broadside is on the lines of " A doctor mentioned selegeline
to me once and I vomited (an old english expression for 'upchuck') all
over his shoes, my cat got convulsions, and the tax man threatened me
with an audit".

2. The Pro-selegelinists. The pro-selegelinists to a man/woman/person
are drawn from the ranks of those who have taken the drug for some time
and have experienced no ill effects from it.  Pros are given to acts of

A typical pro salvo would be " I have taken selegiline since James
Parkinson proscribed it for me. Since then I have won Lotto twice, climbed
Mt Everest without oxygen (or even breathing), and have had to take myself
out of our olympic team because I'd probably fail the drug testing. Oh by
way I'm still alive so so much for that flawed mortality rate study"

You will have noticed that both sides are working hard to keep the debate

I must admit to being a member of the pro camp, but of course in the true
spirit of the discussion, this has had no influence on my assessment.

Dennis (did I mention that James Parkinson put me on selegi----------).

Dennis Greene 47/10
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