

On Wed 22 Oct, jim and emily jackson wrote:
> Donna: My husband Jim, still early in disease progression, tried to titrate
> up to 1.5mg mirapex (after eliminating sinemet completely--he had only
> taken it a couple of months, and our neuro is of the
> 'better-save-it-for-later school-- and reducing Eldepryl). The higher dose
> of Mirapex made him feel so "sick"  (I think he means "overmedicated") he
> dropped back to .75  daily after only a week at the "theraupeutic" dosage.
> He can handle that OK.  Listmembers responded to my concerns and said,
> essentially, 'why mess with a good thing if it works?'.  Now he is right on
> the edge of needing something more--we don't know what it would be, tho:
> try upping the Mirapex again?  Add a little Sinemet?  Increase Eldepryl
> from the one tab/day he now takes back to two?  His tremors aren't too bad
> most of the time, so we're holding at this point as long as possible.
> Good luck,
> Emily Jackson, CG  Jim 69/1+
> Emily Jackson
> [log in to unmask]
Hello Jim and Emily, I am sorry that things are not going too well at the
moment. It is a classic example of how a whole string of undesirable events
force themselves on you, all because a neurologist has a particular point
of view. I can accept that while there are two schools of thought, there
must be a sizeable group of neuros who favour the save-it-for-later tactic
(completely wrongly in my opinion). What really gets me angry is to see a
PWP's quality of life sacrificed in support of that dogma. What has to
happen before the neurologist accepts that he is trying to force a square
peg into a round hole.

I know that it is easier said than done, but one option that you should
consider is : Change your neuro!!

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>