

On Wed, 22 Oct 1997 08:44:54 -0400 [log in to unmask] writes:
>Hello Robert,
>You are only the second person I remember seeing taking approximately
>the same amount of Sinemet as my husband (75/21).  He just started
>Mirapex last week.
>I mentioned to the neurologist that I had seen here on the list
>of lowering the carbidopa amount.  At first he dismissed the idea.
>later as he added up the pills, he said we'd change to 10/100 of the
>regular.  Said only about 100 mg a day of carbidopa is necessary. So
>you can see, just the four 50/200 CR's would be 200.
>It certainly is strange that this change in prescription came about
>because of my mentioning it, as my husband has been taking this same
>amount for about 2-1/2 years.
>At the moment I forget what benefit might be derived from less
>and we're still using the 25/100's.  So I don't know whether there
>be any improvement from the change or if there is any appreciable
>difference in cost.
>Just thought I'd mention it.
>Carol Horner, Pennsylvania
Hello Carol

in reply to your message of 10-22
I too, had a discussion with my neuro. about carbidopa only being needed
in 100 mg
quantities daily. he didn't seem to endorse or deny this claim but told
me to try it.I recall  the article in the list but don't remember what
the exact significance was other than economy.

I definitely am taking much more than 100 mg. daily by taking 1200 to
1400 mg.
of sinemet daily. I did make an effort to adjust my sinemet so I would be
taking less carbidopa but it didn't seem to make much difference, so I
contined with the regular combinations of sinemet.

The mirapex is helping me cut back on sinemet. I ONLY TOOK 1000 MG OF
SINEMET yesterday. I have more energy , have a better response to
The hyper  feeling I had at first are leveling off. I have fewer off
times and my on times are longer.  I do feel that mirapex interferes with
my ablity to sleep. I am nearing 3 months on mirapex  and am at my
maintenance dosage of 1 mg  3 times a day.

Thanks to bi-Pelodotomies Sinemet and mirapex my comfort and abilities
greatly improved.